Published revealing the extraordinary talent of the sculptors of New Guinea, in turn imbued with incredible ferocity and a surprising delicacy. Sometimes the rituals of the natives of the Big Island included the “headhunting” perceived the need to capture the life force of the enemy to increase his own. A complex mythology, which gave birth to many sacred or magical sculptures, the oldest being made with stone tools, sharp shells and finishes, with sharp teeth small animals. The Barbier-Mueller Museum presents nearly 200 pieces of New Guinea belonging to its collections, including a new part, documented by splendid photographs. Extraordinary linguistic diversity, hostile nature, wild inhabitants … New Guinea, the largest of the Melanesian islands, is a mysterious land that is far from having revealed all its mysteries. Through the masterpieces of work of Barbier Mueller collection is through the discovery of this unique and complex culture, whose austere fascinating and disturbing power that invites this item. A sumptuous contemporary iconography mélant archive of exclusive pictures and photographic documents an ambitious campaign. A complete overview of the different artistic expressions of Glory: The book is divided into 12 separate studies for each of a stylistic Aires New Guinea.