Thematic work on the Burkina Faso bronzes bracelets. The materials used, artisans and technical uses of manufacture. Descriptive catalog of some of the groups of objects.
Subtitle: (vergleichende Gegenüberstellungen und mit den Reife Ihrer Nachbarn)
Authors: W. GLAR
Material Type: general or thematic Work
Publisher: Vanity press, Bedburg, 2008. Paperback, 4to, dimensions: 21 x 29.5 cm
Content: 82 percent, 70 pl.coul, 1 cards, biblio… Numerous color illustrations, 1 diagram.
Additional information: original edition, limited release. German text. Book sold: rare and sought after.
State of the work: new state
Thematic work on the Burkina Faso bronzes bracelets. The materials used, artisans and technical uses of manufacture. Descriptive catalog of some of the groups of objects.
Weight | 340 g |
Dimensions | 21 × 29.5 cm |
Subtitle: Gegensätze. Afrikanische Kunst. Author: Mr Szalay Material Type: Exhibition Catalogue. Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich: 30.03.2001 - 28.02.2002 Publisher: Offizin Verlag, Zürich, 2001. Hardcover, 4to, size: 24 x 30 cm, ISBN 3-907496-07-8 Content: 168 pp, 48 ill. b / w, 112 ill. col., 30 b / w photos, 2 pl.n / b, 7 pl.coul., 1…
Subtitle: The Brooklyn Mueum Authors: F. TENENBAUM / E. BRYANT Material Type: general or thematic Work Publisher: The Brooklyn Museum, New York, 1957/1958. Stapled, in-8, size: 15 x 22 cm Content: 24 p, 17 ill. b / w, 1 cards, table of figures Additional information: limited release, exhausted and rare work State of the book:…
Subtitle: The sculpture of enchantment Author: B. WASTIAU Material Type: Exhibition Catalogue. Ethnographic Museum, Geneva: 14 November to 30 December 2009 Publisher: 5 Continents Editions, Milan, 2008. Hardcover editor cardboard color illustrated dust jacket tucked illustrated in color, in-8, size: 24.5 x 29 cm, ISBN 978-88-7439-468-5 Content:. 240 p, 169 ill. col., biblio., notes and…
60,00 €
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