Subtitle: West-und Zentralafrika
Author: A. MEYER
Material Type: general or thematic Work
Publisher: Staatliche Museen Prussian Cultural Heritage, Berlin, 1997. Hardcover cardboard editor illustrated in color, in-4, size: 17.5 x 24 cm, ISBN 3-88609-275-5
Content: 288 p, 137 ill. b / w, 34 b / w photos, 24 pl.coul., 53 drawings, 9 maps, biblio., 14 sample music catalog of indeterminate origin instruments, list of examples of the music on the CD, index
Additional information: + CD seal. Text in German with English summary
State of the work: Very good condition like new

SKU: Réf. 10/440-673] Categories: , Tag:


African drums in West and Central Africa. The drums are the instruments of almost all ethnic groups in Central Africa and West. Its importance is reflected not only in sophisticated styles in which they are used, but also externally through diverse forms of its corpus, various skin sometimes complex mounting techniques, and in some cultures, subtle craft decoration of the body resonance. This catalog would be the basis of the stock of the Ethnological Museum in Berlin and present a comprehensive overview of the existence of membranophones in Central Africa and West. This stock is considered to this day as one of the most important collections. Virtually all forms known in the literature of the resonance body and skin fixation techniques are represented here, and distributed according to the original areas extensively documented. A CD with 25 musical examples is attached to this book.

Additional information

Weight 1010 g
Dimensions 17.5 × 24 cm