
Subtitle: Masks, Sculptures, Jewelry.
Author: L. Meyer
Material Type: general or thematic Work
Publisher: Editions Pierre TERRAIL, Paris, 1991. Paperback, 4to, size: 24 x 30 cm, ISBN 87939-031-1
Content: 224 p, 10 b / w photos, 208 col photos, 1 cards, library, seven figures...
Additional information: original edition. 1 out of print
State of the work: Very good condition

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Masks, terracotta, bronze or gold statues of ancestors, reliquaries and jewels expressed here through the myths, daily life and the inventive genius of over sixty ethnic groups. A beautifully illustrated color study, dealing with clear and accessible of all the arts of Black Africa, in the aesthetic and anthropological perspectives. A major contribution of this work is to approach the arts of black Africa thematically. Critical importance of religion and magic, belief given to occult forces everywhere, ancestral worship accompanied by sacrifices, funeral rites, initiation ceremonies, masked dances ble for all stages of life, power of secret societies, will prestige of the chiefs, ornamental beauty desire or search for the most humble objects, are the sources of traditional art. Capital and comprehensive book that reveals and explains the secrets and roots of black African arts.

Additional information

Weight 1270 g
Dimensions 24 × 30 cm