A single catalog that offers readers of traditional African art from Italian private collections, most never before published, with leading specialists in the field trials. Masks, figures altar fetishes, burial poles and ritual objects for daily use and provide a unique opportunity to discover a little understood artistic legacy, from the experience of those who have skillfully combined these amazing collections : Works of great aesthetic beauty, can lead to heart SSA African cultures, customs and lifestyles, from Mali to Congo and Ivory Coast, Cameroon. An opportunity to discover a little-known heritage in our country – whose colonial memory concerns different Islamic and Christian areas, away from the typical cultures of black Africa – appears to be linked to individual choices and tastes of rare but passionate collectors.
African art collections of Italian in their volume therefore alongside the analysis of certain aspects of great anthropological interest related to these objects, refer to the experience of our compatriots – travelers, scholars and art historians – who were able to bring together these extraordinary collections.