And political geography, the North American tribes in North America the use of the mask
Subtitle: Arts of North American Indians in the collections of the Barbier-Mueller
Author: BARBER J.P.
Material Type: general or thematic Work
Publisher: Barbier-Mueller Museum, Geneva, 1993. Paperback, 4to, dimensions: 21 x 27.5 cm
Content: 28 p, 1 ill. b / w, 15 ill. col. 1 b / w photos, 4 drawings, 4 cards listed catalog
Additional information: original edition
State of the work: Very good condition
And political geography, the North American tribes in North America the use of the mask
Weight | 260 g |
Dimensions | 21 × 27.5 cm |
Subtitle: Malay Archipelago, Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia. Collection of the Barbier-Mueller Authors: D. NEWTON / BARBER JP / BELLWOOD P. / S. KOSSAK Material Type: Exhibition Catalogue. Museum of African Arts, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans (MAAOA), Centre de la Vieille Charité, Marseille: June 5 to October 4, 1998 Publisher: Editions Adam Biro, Paris, 1998. Paperback, 4to,…
Subtitle: Africa, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. From the Collections of the Barbier-Mueller Museum Authors: P. BENITEZ-JOHANNOT / BARBER JP / BOYER A.-M. Material Type: Exhibition Catalogue - Mona Bismarck Foundation, Paris: 10 September / November 28, 1998 - Museum of Art and History, Geneva: 18 March / September 5, 1999 - Kunst Museum, Solothurn: September…
Author: LE CLEZIO J. G. Material Type: general or thematic Work Publisher: Editions d'Art Albert Skira, the 15th volume of the collection: The paths of creation, Geneva, 1971. Paperback, 8vo, DIMENSIONS / 17 x 21.5 cm Content: 170 p, 34 ill.. b / w, 11 ill. col., 26 b / w photos, 10 Color photos.…
Subtitle: Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania of the Barbier-Mueller Museum Authors: P. BENITEZ-JOHANNOT / BARBER JP / BOYER A.-M. Material Type: Exhibition Catalogue - Mona Bismarck Foundation, Paris: 10 September / November 19, 1998 - Museum of Art and History, Geneva: 18 March / September 5, 1999 - Haus der Kunst, Munich: Fall 1999 -…
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