
Subtitle: The N’domo The Kore
Author: D. Zahan
Material Type: general or thematic Work
Publisher: Mouton & Co., Publishers, Le Monde Overseas Past and Present – 1st series – Series VIII, Paris, 1960. Paperback, 8vo, size: 16 x 24 cm
Content: 440 p, 14 ill.. b / w, 36 b / w photos, 34 drawings, Library .. 10 figures in the text. XXIV boards of photographic illustrations. 1 large folding map in-fine. XXIV boards inset illustrations in photogravure. In annex: Index of Geographical Names. Index of proper names. Index of animals. Plant index. Correspondence between Latin names and Bambara animals and plants mentioned. Analytical Index of contents. Index of cited authors. Table of figures. Photographic documentation.
Additional information: original edition. Reference work exhausted, become rare and prized for its thematic study on the origin, nature and structure of the Bambara brotherhoods and the habits and customs and their artistic creations.
State of the work: Very good condition

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The study of this book is devoted mainly to Bambara Initiation companies: the “N’domo” and “Kore” brotherhoods which the author tells us about the outcome of the results of his research in West Africa and especially in the circle of Segou, without neglecting the rest of the country Bambara. In his ethnographic investigations that have helped solve puzzles that no predecessor had managed to break through, Dominique Zahan us reveals all aspects and secrets that Bambara kindly expressly authorized to disclose. Imbued with a love and respect for their culture and guessing maybe the profound changes that may affect the spiritual values of their race, the Bambara have accepted and have them recorded in writing, to ensure sustainability?

Additional information

Weight 760 g
Dimensions 16 × 24 cm