
Subtitle: The Formidable Statuary of Central Africa
Author: F. NEYT
Material Type: general or thematic Work
Publisher: Mercatorfonds, Brussels, 2009. Hardcover cardboard editor, under jacket illustrated color new condition, size: 26 x 30.5 cm, ISBN 978-90-6153-866-0
Content: 400 p, 167 ill. b / w, 6 b / w photos, engravings 1, 3 maps, biblio., very nbr. Fig. col., 2 appendices card stylistic centers list
Additional information: Second edition. Text in English
State of the work: nine (in film mylar protection)

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First monograph on the statuary Songye. This book presents a sumptuous iconography, nearly a thousand statues and statuettes were collected and studied with akribeia morphologically, stylistic and historical. François Neyt, leading expert in the art of Central Africa, makes us discover all the strength and power of this fascinating art. This fascinating book is a reference tool for both art historians for collectors. Songye statues, it emanates an impressive beauty. Their power, their intensity and inspiration are unmatched in Central Africa. The creation of a Songye statue requires the intervention of three people: the blacksmith, the sculptor and the nganga”, the divinerhealer, whose collaboration transforms statues active powers, effective and formidable. By measuring the forces of the universe, the human being develops a new political and social culture. Songye statues, silent witnesses of this transition, have finally gained their place in the history of art.

Additional information

Weight 3010 g
Dimensions 26 × 30.5 cm