Authors: Roland W. & Maryanne FORCE FORCE
Material Type: general or thematic Work
Publisher: Praeger Publishers, New York, 1971. Hardcover with toilée editor binding, dust jacket in good condition illustrated in color, in-4, dimensions: 24.5 x 31 cm
Content: 360 p, 1 col photos, 1 cards, library, many illustration b / w, index,…
Additional information: original edition
State of the work: Very good condition

SKU: Réf. 6/426-[301] Category:


Collection Fuller, largely given to the Field Museum in Chicago, was started before 1900 and includes over 6500 objects. Particularly strong in Polynesia and New Zealand, it includes outstanding examples of the Pacific. The purpose of the text is very informative on each object and use. Excellent photographs, very detailed, reveal more than 300 objects presented. This reference work, beyond its importance, can be considered as one of the volumes of the cornerstone of Oceanic art.

This is a book about the life of a man and his constant interest and irresistible for Pacific peoples and their artistic objects. He tells how one of the most significant and most valuable Pacific collections of objects has been assembled, even if the collector, the AWFFuller captain, has never visited the islands that played an important role in his life. Its objective to place its carefully selected materials in a wide scientific institution for future studies, exhibition and conservation was achieved when, towards the end of his life, the collection was acquired by the Field Museum of Natural History Chicago.
The excellent photographs of a representative sample of objects collected from the Fuller collection included in this volume make this book a useful tool for scientists as for the private collector. The student ethnology, primitive art, art history, technology, and cultural change will find much in this that can captivate his interest. Any reader can appreciate this work not only as a tribute but also a revelation of the rarity, beauty, and quality of illustrated articles. Although Fuller collection or trans-Pacific in scope, three main zones are derived from Polynesia, Melanesia and Australia. The most widely represented sectors and, therefore, those who are treated in more detail in this volume are New Zealand and the Solomon Islands.

Fuller Collection is richly documented. The text includes numerous references to this documentation, as well as a brief discussion of the geographic locations of the island groups, their cultures, their discovery by Europeans, the range and nature of the components of this collection.


Additional information

Weight 2430 g
Dimensions 24.5 × 31 cm