20,00 €Subtitle: North of Sumatra, an unknown group Author: Barbier-Mueller J.-P. Material Type: general or thematic Work Publisher: Editions Hazan, Paris, 2011. Paperback, 8vo, size: 18 x 24 cm, ISBN 9782754106177 Content: 236 p, 3 cards, library, numerous illustrations and photographs in b / w and color, glossary, index State of the work: Very good condition
33,00 €Subtitle: Musical Instrument Collections Author: F. Borel Material Type: general or thematic Work Publisher: Museum of Ethnography, Neuchâtel, 1986. Paperback, dimensions: 17 x 24 cm, ISBN 2-88078-008-X Content: 182 p, 102 ill.. n / b, 3 b / w photos, 18 drawings, biblio., 15 fig., index, 6 tables, discography Additional information: original edition, limited release,…
75,00 €Subtitle: Traditional Arts Authors: B. DULON / GAY B. / NURIDSANY M. Material Type: Exhibition Catalogue. CHAREAU Tanlay, Yonne: June 7 to October 5, 1997 Publisher: Art Center Tanlay, Tanlay, 1997. Paperback, dimensions: 26.5 x 26 cm Content: 84 p, 13 Color photos, pl.coul 52, 8 cards Additional information: limited release. Catalog exhausted and become…
20,00 €Authors: FERRY M-P. Material Type: Exhibition Catalogue. Musée de l'Homme, Paris: 19 October to 15 December 1993 Publisher: Society of Africanist / Museum of Man, Paris, 1993. Paperback,, in-4, size: 15.5 x 21 cm Contents: 96 p, 1 ill.. b / w, 7 b / w photos, annexes Condition of the structure: As new
325,00 €Subtitle: (From Dakar to Djibouti, 1931-1933) Author: M. LEIRIS Material Type: general or thematic Work Publisher: Librairie Gallimard NRF, Blue documents, Paris, 1934. Paperback, 8vo, size: 14.4 x 22.7 cm Content: 530 p, 1 map, 32 photographic prints out text of the Dakar-Djibouti mission. Additional information: original edition, printed, completed in January 1934 (with the…
87,00 €Authors: E. BASSANI Material Type: Exhibition Catalogue. Castello D'Albertis Museo delle Culture del Mondo, Palazzo Ducale, Genova: 31 December 2010-5 June 2011) Publisher: editore Skira, Milan, 2012. Hardcover cardboard black editor under jacket tucked illustrated in color, in-4, dimensions: 21.5 x 32 cm ISBN 978-88-572-1167-1 Content: 304 p, Library, 1 map with the ethnic groups…
23,00 €Subtitle: Presence Africaine Author: A. DIOP Material Type: general or thematic Work Publisher: Presence Africaine, Paris, 1966. Hardcover cardboard editor in very good condition dust jacket rhodoïd illustrated with overprint of a black and white mask, in-8, size: 19.5 x 22.5 cm Content: 170 p, 149 ill.. b / w, 26 drawings, biblio., 11 sketches,…
39,90 €Subtitle: Representations of Western Europeans in the Arts No Author: N. MENUT Material Type: general or thematic Work Publisher: Editions du Chêne, Paris, 2010. Hardcover cardboard editor, under jacket illustrated color new, in-4, size: 20 x 26 cm, ISBN 978-2-84277-895-8 Content: 256 p, 18 ill.. b / w, 130 ill. col., biblio., notes, table of…
450,00 €Subtitle: Mestach the African Author: W. MESTACH Material Type: Exhibition Catalogue. Hall of Fine Arts, Grand Sablon, Brussels: 6 to 29 June 2007 Publisher: Marc Leo Felix, Tribal Arts SPRL, Brussels, 2007. Bound with editor binding canvas with red imprint of the title and a pattern in the cloth, dust jacket illustrated color new condition,…